Hello, my name is Petya. I am a Software Developer with great passion for new technologies. My hobbie is
to always learn and try new things. If you are looking for a developer you've come to the right place.
No job is too big!
From a very early age, I have a passion for technology and started with my local school with Basic,
Fortran and Pascal. Later I studied engineering, build a few web sites for friends and graduated
with Master's Degree in Automation.
I continued developing small projects for friends and family. When I was working as a real estate
agent I made a website for the agency. Currently working as a technical sales for a CCTV company and
I also made a web site for them. Being always passionate about software engineering, in 2020 I
decided to transition to web development to start a new phase, implementing all my customer service
experience to provide efficient, and characteristic solutions for the better experience behind the
When I'm not coding, I am working out, reading books about self-improvement or browsing the web 💕